
Vocations camp

Vocations camp

The vocations camp took place from August 28 to 30, 2020 in Doba in the Emmaus center of the cathedral parish with the general theme: leave your country and go… (Gn 12,1-12).
A total of 18 aspirants from six dioceses took part, distributed as follows: Ndjamena 03, Moundou 05, Goré 03, Lai 01, Doba 04, Sarh 02. Of this number, five are already admitted to the propaedeutic, eight are preparing for the home in Sarh and the others will continue the accompaniment from their respective family.
The atmosphere was good. Fr. José Alberto, Deacon Bienvenu Gokam and Sister Delphine (Comboni sister) animated the different themes; the camp ended with a Eucharistic celebration in the cathedral presided by Fr. Enrique Rosich.

P. José Alberto Intuela Sagras

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