
Celebration of First Vows in Sarh

Celebration of First Vows in Sarh

Great is our joy in celebrating, on this day 8 May 2022, the feast of Christ the Good Shepherd and on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the first vows of our confreres: Constantin (Beninese), Diony (Central African), Emmanuel (Chadian), Emile (Togolese), Fabrice (Togolese), François (Beninese), Jules (Togolese), Michel (Togolese) and Salvador (Central African) in the parish of Saint Kizito de Bégou, in the diocese of Sarh.
This celebration was attended by many parishioners of the above mentioned parish and faithful from other parishes of the city of Sarh, Donomanga, Bodo and Moïssala. Also noteworthy is the presence of confreres of the various Comboni missions and the presence of the different religious congregations of women.
The celebration was presided over by the delegate of the Comboni Missionaries in Chad, Fr. Fidèle Katsan, representing all the provincials and delegates absent from this celebration to receive the first vows of our confreres. In his address to the novices before making his vows, the Father Master, Fr. Stéphane Kamanga, stressed four things: the first, he invited the novices to have their gaze on Christ who called them; the second, this look of Christ must absolutely transform and change his own look on others and on the world; the third thing is: when their gaze has been transformed and changed by the gaze of Christ, they are sent on mission; and the last is that: sent on mission, they must share this love they have received from Christ.
Then, in his homily, Fr. Fidèle stressed three points: the first is: the necessary illumination of consecrated and religious life by the person of Jesus; the second is on: consecration by vows and mission; and the last is on: the consecration and the plan of God. The celebration ended with a fraternal meal to give the event a special importance in the life of our young confreres.
We wish our young confreres a good period of study in the scholasticate, which will concern the study of theology. May the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Daniel Comboni accompany them on their journey to the following of Christ!


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