About us

The Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus arrived in Chad in 1977. On August 15, 1977 we took possession of the parish of the Holy Trinity in Moissala, which had hitherto been served by the Jesuits. We are currently 29 Comboni Missionaries from the Delegation of Chad of 14 different nationalities: Italy (4), USA (1), Democratic Republic of Congo (4), Togo (3), Benin (1), Kenya (1), Spain (3), Mexico (4), Central African Republic (1), Mozambique (1), Zambia (1), Portugal (1), Chad (3), South Africa (1). We have gathered in 7 communities and we work in 6 parishes (three rural and three urban parishes). We are involved in the various services of the Church of Chad: parish animation, formation of leaders, justice and peace and integrity of creation, education, interreligious dialogue, etc. Our main commitment is the first evangelization.

The axis around which all our missionary action revolves is the FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT, conceived as a fundamental announcement and which Pope Francis defines as follows: "Jesus loves you, he gave his life to save you, and is now alive by your side every day, to enlighten you, to strengthen you, to set you free" (Plan 6.1).

The best service we can render to the Church of Chad is evangelization which disposes man to prosper as a child of God in the Church and to encourage him to work for his own integral development and that of others ... We note that in many parts of the country people have not yet been or have just been touched upon by the proclamation of the Gospel. Church data tells us that Catholics make up about 10% of the Chadian population.

To do this, the first evangelization remains a great emergency for the Church of Chad. In this sense, the catechumenate as proclamation and adhesion to the kerygma will occupy an important place in our evangelization.

After 90 years, the first evangelization remains a great emergency for Chad. Most of our confreres work in the field of early evangelization and the activities that require more time and energy are the formation of catechumens and the monitoring of Christian communities.

We have started the process of reflection on the first evangelization. For this reason, the Delegation decided to celebrate a thematic assembly in 2020 which had as its theme "The themes and challenges of the mission today in the perspective of the first evangelization". We are now continuing the reflection in the communities.