
Meeting of Comboni Rural Parishes - February 17 to 20, 2022

Meeting of Comboni Rural Parishes - February 17 to 20, 2022

The theme of the meeting was synodality for a synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission. Our Comboni rural parishes on mission in Chad met in Donamanga in the diocese of Laï to hear, share, discern on a possible pastoral project that wants to be synodal with the participation of all the Christian faithful in the Church Family of God in Mission.
The mediator of this meeting was Father Agde Corentin, pastor of the cathedral of Laï with the participation of all our rural parishes: the parish of Bodo with 7 delegates, accompanied by Father David Esquivel mccj, the parish of Sainte Trinité de Moïssala with 14 delegates, accompanied by the scholastic Ruben TABASSE and the parish that hosted this meeting, the parish of Saint Michel de Donamanga with more than 21 delegates.
This meeting ended with a thanksgiving mass presided over by the mediator of that meeting, Father Corentin. The next meeting will be held next year in Moïssala.


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