
Feast of the Sacred Heart in Doba

Feast of the Sacred Heart in Doba

We, the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus of the Chad delegation, have gathered on this day 24 June 2022 in Doba to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart as a delegation to strengthen the bonds of fraternity. This day was animated by a time of reflection, prayer, Eucharistic celebration and a playful moment. The reflection was shared by Msgr. Martin Weingue Bani, Bishop of Doba. His reflection was entitled "The Devotion of the Sacred Heart". He stressed that the water and blood that came out of Jesus' side fertilize the whole earth to bear abundant fruit. Thus the Church was born from Jesus' open side. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a relationship that a Christian must have with Jesus and is an invitation to divine love. After this sharing of reflection, we had a moment of meditation with a little coffee break and then we also had the holy hour (Eucharistic Adoration). Then we concluded with the Mass presided over by Msgr. Martin Weingue Bani, during which all the Comboni missionaries present at this celebration renewed their missionary commitment. After having lived this moment of intimacy with Christ, we also had a moment of fraternal sharing of the meal. In this way we give thanks to God for the gift of each person’s vocation and we say thank you to God for the mission that he entrusted to us despite our littleness.


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