
The Feast of Saint Daniel Comboni in NDjamena

The Feast of Saint Daniel Comboni in NDjamena

The feast of Saint Daniel Comboni was celebrated on 11 October 2020 by the community of Ndjamena in two different places: Sao Resurrection Parish and the "Saint Daniel Comboni" Pastoral Zone of Kiwilti.

The celebration was preceded by a Triduum animated by Fr. Marco Vailati at Sao Resurrection parish and at Kiwilti by Fr. Fidèle Katsan. The participants were guided during the three days successively by the following themes: St. Daniel Comboni and the Sacred Heart of Jesus; St. Daniel Comboni and the mystery of the Cross and St. Daniel Comboni and Africa.

On Sunday, 11 October, the festivities ended with two masses presided over in Resurrection Sao by Mgr. Edmond Djitangar, Archbishop of Ndjamena, concelebrated by Frs. Marco Vailati and John Ikundu.

In Kiwilti, on the contrary, the Mass was presided over by Fr Fidèle. In both places, the feast ended with the sharing of a fraternal meal.

Bro Enrico took part either in the Triduum at the Sao Resurrection Parish and in the Mass of the feast. Frs. Saturnin and Luigi were in holiday in their respective families.

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