
Forum on interreligious dialogue and social ministry

Forum on interreligious dialogue and social ministry

In its vision of the promotion of man, the Catholic Church of the parish of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus of Abeche has provided an ideal setting to put man back to his feet. This setting is only the Foyer des Jeunes which is the place for culture and mixing. This Cultural Centre is a place of welcome, study, meeting and mixing for young people of all ethnic groups, sexes and religions. Its vocation is to promote culture and education, openness to other cultures, good understanding between young people, and inter-religious encounters and dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

Thus, from 26 to 29 December 2020, the management of the Foyer des Jeunes Cultural Centre organised the first edition of the forum on interreligious dialogue and social ministry under the theme: "The cry of the earth and the cry of the poor: a call for interreligious dialogue on creation". Having dedicated three days to reflect together on the meaning of inter-religious dialogue and social ministry on creation, the Foyer des Jeunes now hopes to continue to provide young Christians and Muslims in Abéché and its surroundings with a quality educational service on the protection of our common home, the earth. They may now be able to take a critical look at the situation we are living through because threat, aggression and injustice break the social bond and ruin living together. For the commitment of the human person to the environment and his or her responsibility towards it is purely a task given by God to mankind since creation.

In short, we have been created and called by God to become the crown of glory of the earth. Unfortunately, we have instead become carriers of the crown of viruses on earth, not only the coronavirus or Covid-19, but also the viruses of contempt, war, hatred towards our brothers and sisters of another religious faith of which no one is unaware. Thus, this social forum aims to help us examine the human person living in the world and his or her relationship with our common home, the earth. It further motivates us to be committed and united hand in hand to promote and foster social, cultural and religious relations in our country, Chad, based on real needs that can enable each of us to have the chance to express our talents, based on the dignity of the human person and the ability to go beyond a passive acceptance of others.
Done in Abéché, 6 January 2021
For the management of the Foyer des Jeunes,
Father Kasereka Amini Wasingya, mccj


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