
Annual Assembly of Comboni Missionaries in Chad

Annual Assembly of Comboni Missionaries in Chad

The Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus who work in Chad were in Donia from 10 to 15 January 2022 for their annual assembly. The theme of this assembly was: Synodality in the life and mission of the Church. The theme was presented by Monsignor Joachim Kouraleyo, bishop of the diocese of Moundou. The lecturer based himself on the document of the International Theological Commission (2018) with the emphasis placed on chapter 4 of this document. Yes, this synodality demands that we become aware of our baptismal identity. After the presentation of the theme, the delegation of Comboni missionaries studied their own life, pastoral activities and mission in Chad. The annual assembly ended with the mass on January 14, 2022 evening, in which each confrere present was handed the code of conduct.


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