
Meeting of Comboni Parishes Youth

Meeting of Comboni Parishes Youth

The meeting of young people from the Comboni mission parishes in Chad was held in Doba from April 28 to May 1, 2022 and was based on the theme: For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission. This theme was animated by Fr. Eric Ngalité and Fr. Richard Horbé, who in turn stressed to the young delegates who had come to this meeting, the importance of belonging to this Family of God: the Church. They also showed the last need of its members to be willing to contribute with baptismal commitments in a spirit of mutual collaboration, for their spiritual and human growth in order to be missionaries of the Gospel.

Delegates from the parishes of Saint Kizito de Bégou, Saint Michel Archange de Bodo, Saint Michel de Donamanga and Sainte Trinité de Moïssala were present. They were accompanied by Fr. Michel Esseh (Togo), Fr. Eric Ngalité (Central Africa), Fr. José Alberto (Mozambique) and Fr. Richard Horbé (Chad). During this formation meeting, exchanges and reflections were shared in the spirit of "walking together". At the end of this meeting, delegates from different parishes agreed on three resolutions that will guide their commitments for the pastoral care of the synodal Church in their respective parishes. The three resolutions are:
  1. In the spirit of synodality, we young people of the different Comboni parishes of Chad would like to strengthen attentive communication, for mutual collaboration between the parish priest, the youth chaplains and all pastoral workers.
  2. For a pilgrim Church, we young people want to make ourselves available to contribute with our baptismal commitments to the service of our Church in a spirit of mutual collaboration.
  3. In the missionary spirit, we young people gathered in this formation session recognize our duty to proclaim the Gospel for the conversion of our brothers and sisters, so that they may be committed to the Church.

It is with these three resolutions that the delegates of the young people who came to this meeting returned to their respective parishes already as missionaries at the service of their Church.


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