Pastoral Projects

1. Project: Youth Ministry

Youth ministry is fertile ground for the education, information and formation of young people, hope and life for the nation and for the Church. For us, the Comboni Missionaries of Chad, young people are and will always be a priority for our being and for missionary action. It is because we believe in this youth, thirsty for the God of Jesus Christ and in search of a happy life, that we commit ourselves to offer them the best of our Comboni charism, so that they may have life in abundance.

General objective of the Youth and Vocation Ministry
We consider the promotion and human, spiritual and vocational formation of young people as the general objective of youth ministry.

Specific Objectives
Prepare young people for the socio-economic, political and ecclesial life of the country;
Contribute to the creation of means that can give young people a more sustainable future;
To support the efforts of the local Churches in the field of formation and promotion of young people in view of their integration and commitment in ecclesial life;
Organize parish activities for young people in a stable way common to all our parishes according to the context of each;
Provide formation and continuous and holistic formative, spiritual and vocational support to youth groups and movements according to the Comboni style;
Means of surveillance of young people
Groups and movements: Kemkogi, scouts / guides, altar boys, choirs, nursery schools and youth groups.
The entertainers
The pastoral and missionary team
Cultural centers
Basic community

Expected results

We hope that our common work, as a team, as a delegation, animated by the spirit and guided by the charism of our Founder, can bear fruits that can serve the country, the Church and the Institute:
  • Young people with a critical, familiar and creative spirit in the midst of young people and society in general
  • Young people with basic knowledge that allows them to integrate into the socio-economic and political life of the country
  • Young people who are humanly and spiritually mature, convinced and convincing in their witness of Christian life
  • Young people involved in the various structures of the CEB of the parish and the church
  • Young people committed to the Church, aware of their role and open to the consecrated vocation
  • Young people who seriously pose the vocation question and will opt for a path of vocational discernment
  • Young people involved in ecclesial ministries and in institutes of consecrated life
  • Young people who will commit themselves to the missionary and Comboni life.


2. Project: Interreligious dialogue with Islam and African Traditional Religions

Specific context relevant to the project
The word dialogue is a key word in the Catholic Church, it is also for the Comboni Missionaries. The church recognizes three important areas of dialogue: there is dialogue with states, dialogue with society and dialogue with other religions. Without neglecting the other types of dialogue, we will focus on interreligious dialogue in its various forms (NA 2, DA41).

African Traditional Religions
Our faithful live every day with the followers of African traditional religions. These religions, which refer to the ancestors and to a form of mediation between man and immanence, are the cultural and spiritual terrain from which most converted Christians come and with which they keep in daily contact (AM, 92; Letter from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue on Traditional Religions, 7). We recognize positive values: (a strong sense of the sacred permeates all areas of life, authority is seen as a sacred charge, respect for nature, the celebration of important stages of life (birth, entry into adulthood, marriage and death, a strong sense of family, a community bond with the ancestors, etc.) that exist and we will try to further promote them in the Christian life of our faithful.
However, these religions have counter-values ​​(inadequate ideas about God, superstition, fear of spirits, reprehensible morality in some cases) that must be evangelized. In the case of Chad, other elements are added to this list, which we will take into consideration in our pastoral action: traditional initiation, excision of girls, early marriage, witchcraft. These elements have negative influences in social and Christian life, for example on school education, the future of girls, the health and well-being of children, the relationship between men and women, life in CEBs and schools. parishes, participation in the sacraments; but above all a climate of fear and distrust of others. These practices very often lead to attitudes contrary to Christian life and human development.

Half of the inhabitants of Chad are Muslim. Their presence is growing stronger in all sectors of society. Faced with this often expansionist, sometimes aggressive presence of Islam and taking into account today's global reality, dialogue with Islam is necessary.
The challenge of Islam puts the Church of Chad to the test. The Church is looking for ways of dialogue which are proving difficult and limited. It deepens the reflection on this religion and tries to identify the valid aspects for a fruitful dialogue. But the climate of mistrust that exists between "northern and southern" makes this dialogue difficult at all levels. There is the dialogue of life that takes place daily in almost all of our communities.

Main Objective
Peaceful coexistence between different religions (Christianity, Islam, ATR through a thorough knowledge of each of them.

Specific Objectives
Deeper knowledge of Islam
More in-depth knowledge of ATR
In-depth knowledge of Christianity
Mixing between the followers of the three religions
Promotion of justice and peace
Greater appreciation for women

Organize a general training session on Islam - in-depth knowledge of Islam - 1400 people trained on Islam - Expert on Islam.
Organize a general training session on ATR - In-depth knowledge of ATR - 1400 people trained in RTAs - an ATR expert.
Organize a general training session on Christianity.
Organize a prayer for peace every year between the leaders of these three religions - Peaceful coexistence - 10,000 people.
Organize a theological conference on the themes: marriage, woman, stages of life - Value of human life, of women and of the family.

Stages of realization


1. To organize a general formation session on Islam in all our missions
2. To organize a prayer for peace among the leaders of these three religions in our missions

1. To organize a general training session on ATR in all of our missions
2. To organize a prayer for peace between the leaders of these three religions in our missions

1. To organize a general formation session on Christianity
2. To organize a prayer for peace among the leaders of these three religions in our missions

1. To organize a theological conference on the themes: marriage, woman, stages of life; (Abraham's tent)
2. To organize a prayer for peace among the leaders of these three religions in our missions

1. To organize a conference on human rights (conception of man in Christianity, Islam and ATR)
2. To organize a prayer for peace among the leaders of these three religions in our missions

3. Project: Justice and peace and integrity of creation
Project objectives: global and specific

General objective: to be Comboni missionary disciples called to live the joy of the Gospel today in Chad.

Specific Objectives

Promote Kingdom values in Chadian society and Church
Reduce the suffering of the poorest
Preventing conflicts and injustices
Building a culture of peace

Expected results
Reduction of the phenomenon of shepherd children trafficking and of breeder-farmer conflicts
Greater sensitivity of citizens and Christian faithful on injustices and the values of the Kingdom (Justice and Peace)
Increase of social, ecclesial and Comboni networks, to address injustices
Greater awareness of the roots and challenges of the phenomena of injustice

Expected start date (execution period): The project will start in 2017 and will run for a period of 6 years, from 2017 to 2022, in two stages: Stage: 2017-2019 / Stage: 2020-2022.

Activities planned to achieve results
1st Stage (2017-2019) 2nd Stage (2020-2022)
To implement the 2018 Agenda on the theme of Ecology To raise awareness of conflicts between shepherds and farmers and prepare the understanding group
To study the phenomena: shepherd children, peasant-shepherd conflict, oil To spread the brochure of infringements and other material
To visit and form the JPIC Committees of our Parishes in collaboration with the diocesan JPIC Commissions Visits and Formation in prisons in the missions in which we are present
To participate in the World Social Forum To organize a training session on the agreement between the State of Chad and the Holy See
To organize a meeting with the representatives of all the JPIC Committees of our Parishes Awareness of the phenomenon of shepherd children
To organize a JPIC meeting in French-speaking Africa Evaluation of the Project

4. Project: Formation of CEB leaders and animators
The formation of leaders and animators takes concrete form through various initiatives: Formation in catechetical centers (Donomanga, Moissala), as well as what is done in our parishes; formation of the local clergy, training meeting of the leaders of urban parishes, training meeting of the leaders of rural parishes, training meeting of the JPIC committees of the Comboni parishes; Formation meeting for the youth of the Comboni parishes; in addition, sheets are prepared for the formation of CEB animators in our parishes.