Social Development Projects

Abraham's Tent

Abraham's Tent is an inter-religious center created in 2006 by Comboni missionaries that works to promote Islamic-Christian dialogue in Chad. He has extensive experience in defense, consulting and trading. The purpose of these activities is social intermingling, intercultural dialogue and the creation of an open and enlightened mindset, which hinders racist and religious fanaticism. The aim is to help young people to grow taking into account all their dimensions and to help them develop their personal heritage after effective awareness raising. The activities are carried out with the participation of the community. The Tent has its own Statutes.

The activities of the tent are among others:
  • The day of reflection on the message of the bishops
  • The day of peaceful coexistence
  • The dialogue field
  • Cultural week
  • E.V.A (education in life and love)
  • Preparation course and school support for middle and high school students
  • Summer course
  • Language courses: English, French and Arabic
  • Conferences and debates
  • Film projections

Information training
The program of Abraham's Tent is in preparation.

Formation in "interreligious dialogue and peaceful coexistence"

Main Objective
Provide pastoral workers with knowledge and skills for peaceful coexistence with Muslim believers.

Specific Objectives
Promote a deeper knowledge of Islam for a fruitful dialogue between Christians and Muslims.
Help participants discover the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam.
Encourage mixing between Christians and Muslims.

Special features of the program
This program offers systematic knowledge of Islam, pastoral workers working in parishes and Christian communities in Chad.

Results expected from the study
At the end of the program, participants will be able to:
Organize training sessions in their communities for peaceful coexistence in daily life.
Awareness campaign aimed at bringing Christians and Muslims together to promote mutual respect.
To ensure that believers of both religions have equal access to education, health and work.

Duration of the program
The program will last 1 (one) year, divided between conferences, workshops, fieldwork and will end with the diploma in interreligious dialogue and peaceful coexistence.

Pastoral workers of the Christian communities, for a total of 30 people.

Sustainability of programs
After 1 (one) year, the program will be well defined and will have developed the structures and resources necessary for its continuation. The program will generate its income through participation fees.

Agro-Pastoral Center "Saint Daniel Comboni"
1. Description of the project
The mission of the Comboni Institute is to provide excellent training that provides young people with directly usable skills. It will train young technicians in animal husbandry and processing of animal products. The institute will operate on the model of social enterprise where training takes place in a real context of business operations. This operating model allows students to learn during their studies how to apply their technical knowledge to create and run a business.
The educational principle of the institute is that there is a direct link between theoretical concepts, field practice, business creation and social transformation. Therefore, professional training must integrate all these elements to create a positive impact. It is this model of integrated formation that characterizes the Comboni Institute.
The training program will be in the area of ​​breeding and processing. The program will last 18 months. The first part of the training lasts 12 months that students spend at the institution. The second part lasting 6 months is a field experience, during which students will implement their business ideas that they will have to develop during the course.
During the first six months, students work in all areas of animal husbandry and processing. In the past six months, students specialize in a specific area of ​​interest. Upon completion of the training, students must develop an entrepreneurial project which they will be able to implement upon completion of the program. Upon completion of the program, students will have six months of experience implementing their business projects. During the start-up experience period, students will be monitored and will receive technical support from the Institute.
It is after validating and implementing their ideas that students will return for the graduation ceremony.
The program content has three components: theoretical training, practical and practical training of entrepreneurship.
  • Theoretical training: The aim is to provide students with theoretical knowledge in the field of animal husbandry and the different forms of processing that can be had of bovine, sheep and poultry products. The teaching method must engage students' creativity and drive them to research and presentations.
  • Hands-on training: Most of the training is hands-on. this component represents 70% of the training. Students will be exposed to modern cultivation and processing techniques. The training will focus on breeding poultry, sheep, goats, cows and rabbits. The processing, on the other hand, concerns meat and dairy products (fresh milk, cheeses, yogurt).
  • Human and Entrepreneurial Training: This component is a key component of training and exposes students to entrepreneurship practices during training. This training places a particular emphasis on innovation and business creation. Through the centre's various product production and marketing initiatives, students will have the opportunity to simulate their own activities. This component will take into account the human education of young people and leadership training.

2. Purpose of the project
Fight youth unemployment by training technicians in animal husbandry, production and processing with practical skills to create their own businesses.

3. Objectives, impact and measures
The Comboni Institute pursues 4 main objectives.
  • Objective 1

To train young people with skills in raising cattle, sheep and poultry.
Scheduled actions
Provision of theoretical and practical breeding courses
Improvement of livestock production in the region.
Improve the quality of livestock farming for local farmers
Each year, 40 young people will be equipped with adequate skills for the future of farming.
  • Objective 2

Provide young people with practical training in the processing of animal products.
Scheduled actions
Introduce young people to modern animal product processing techniques
Improvement of processing practices
Young people will have more opportunities to add value to local products.

  • Objective 3

Supporting young people in the planning and creation of micro-enterprises.
Scheduled actions
Practical courses in the design and construction of micro-enterprises
Formation of small groups for the management of micro enterprises during the training period.
Support to young people in the realization of their micro-enterprise.
Change of mentality of young people, with a more open mentality and inclination to research and enhancement of local resources.
The culture of entrepreneurship and business creation among young people has increased.
Creation of 30 micro-enterprises every year.

  • Objective 4
Provide access to qualified training education for young people at a reduced cost.

Scheduled actions
Enable young people from families with limited resources to have access to quality education
Offer half the scholarships to the 5 most deserving young people, based on their result.

Improve the living conditions of young people and thus improve the well-being of their families.

4. Beneficiaries / target groups
The Institute is aimed at graduated boys and girls interested in a career in the agro-pastoral field.
The other beneficiaries are local breeders. The institute will organize training sessions to enable them to improve their livestock production.

5. Sustainability of the program
The Comboni Institute is conceived as a company that forms, produces and markets its own production. Training is integrated into production and processing. Therefore, it is designed to be self-sufficient in the short term.

Institute of Social Transformation "Josué dei Cas"
1. General objective of the program
The general objective of the program is the creation of local Christian communities capable of serving the community and society. Acting in the name of justice and participating in the transformation of the world; promote integral and sustainable development.

2. The specific objectives of the program
The specific objectives of the program are as follows:
01. To train ecclesiastical officials capable of starting projects and mobilizing people and resources for the realization of parishes, dioceses and autonomous religious groups in Chad.
02. Cultivate positive attitudes towards life and ready to serve and help the parish community unlock its potential for self-reliance, while harnessing the potential of parishes and communities to embrace their creativity by being innovative and imaginative in the ministerial capacity of the Christian community.
03. To prepare pastoral workers capable of uniting the four fundamental areas of the liturgy, proclamation (ministry of the Word) and witness (kerygma), service (diakonia) and communion (koinonia).
04. To develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between ministry and social transformation and to acquire the tools necessary to promote greater transformation in the community and in society inspired by the reality and values ​​of the Kingdom of God.
05. Build faith-based communities with the ability to carry out the social mission of the Church, with an emphasis on the ministry of Justice and Peace.
06. Participate in and facilitate participatory community development initiatives aimed at developing local groups and communities.

3. Expected results of the study
At the end of the program, pastoral workers will be able to:

Direct effects
  • Design, plan, organize and execute small-scale projects for social development and transformation;
  • Design, plan, organize and execute civics and peace programs;
  • To train communities and groups in participatory development methods;
  • Perform social and cultural analyzes and facilitate them in groups and communities;
  • Design, plan, organize and conduct small-scale awareness campaigns for human rights and for the recognition, protection and promotion of the most vulnerable and marginalized in society;
  • Design and facilitate popular education and social awareness programs;
  • Support and guide individuals, groups and communities in the process of their personal and social transformation;
  • Facilitate the integration from the point of view of the life of faith of Christian communities in the process of social transformation towards social justice, human dignity and the common good.

Indirect effects
Having communities capable of taking charge of their own development without always demanding everything from the state.
Improve the living conditions of the neighborhoods where the communities are located, the result of the local initiative of the people
Ability of communities to face new problems and situations with competence and creativity by proposing lasting solutions
Acquisition by people of attitudes and skills for a social transformation action by linking it to an embodied spirituality.

4. Invoice entry and monitoring
To grasp the effects of the program, a quarterly evaluation of the teaching staff will be carried out on the basis of a questionnaire sent to students. This with the aim of verifying the quality of teaching. To check if students are learning skills and gaining experience, teachers will give them periodic reviews. The marks obtained (average and above) will be clues to understand the effects of the program. At the end of the program, at least 75% of students are expected to graduate.

5. Target groups and external participants
The project aims to directly reach 30 young people, 15 men and 15 women aged between 18 and 30, from the suburbs of N’Djamena. In each parish community, students will come from different basic ecclesial communities, one per community. The project will reach 28 ecclesial communities and 9 neighborhoods. The choice of students will be made with the greatest diversity of ethnicity and gender. These are young people who come from parts of the country in search of a better life in the capital. When they arrive in the city, they are often faced with a different reality from what they dreamed of when they were at home. Jobs are difficult to find, for housing they are forced to share a room with other young people. Living in this situation, they often risk falling into marginalization and delinquency. This target group is chosen in particular because it is the most vulnerable age group in Chadian society. Universities prepare young people without worrying about their social outlet in terms of employment. The tent has collaborated with this group since its foundation in 2004.

6. Program delivery method
The program is offered in residential learning mode (module format) for a period of 2 years, field work workshops, vocational training workshops, studies and tutorials. These elements are divided into 4 semesters, each of which develops a group consisting of 4 modules and a skills development laboratory. The place of the program is the Abraham's Tent.

7. Reason for the program and duration of the course
The program is offered over 2 years and in a modular format. We are aware of the challenges associated with the transposition of this program from the English-speaking world to the French-speaking one. Indeed there is a cultural and mental difference between the two worlds. Anglophones are more proactive and therefore able to take initiatives for the transformation of their environment without expecting anything from the state, it is the opposite in the French-speaking world. By adapting this program to the French-speaking environment, we hope to gradually bring about a change of mentality among young people.

8. Academic year
The Diploma in Social Transformation is a continuous program spread over two academic years, divided into 2 semesters each. Each semester has 4 modules and a skills development workshop.